Socialist Democracy

Students Show The Way!


The genocide in Gaza has caused an outpouring of rage and grief across the world and waves of protests. Ireland has not been immune to this and we
have seen many protests, some big and others small. But it was not till the students at Trinity College took action that we have seen the first really powerful
action.  The students copied the protests which began at Columbia University in the USA. The spark spread like wildfire throughout the US with more than 130
universities seeing encampments or sit ins.   (read more)

Student protests upend hegemony on Israel and Palestine forever

09/05/24 (Middle East Eye)

The resounding collapse of freedom of expression and academic freedom in the United States over the last few months has not been seen since the McCarthyite 1950s and the violent suppression of Vietnam War protests in the late 1960s. Repressive campaigns also followed 9/11 and the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, primarily in the realm of law and surveillance and often waged on university campuses.     (read more)

COE Report on Prisons, Male and Female Inmates


The CPT, (the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) has just published its 33rd annual report for the year 2023.  This time it places a heavy emphasis on the issue of what it terms transgender prisoners and their rights in a prison setting.  It was an opportunity for a rational discussion on the issue, but the CPT seems to have squandered this on an ideological altar, seen even in throwaway praise for Ukraine, a praise not extended to other countries that the full report says also fully cooperated with the CPT. (read more)

Student revolt exposes the drive to genocide and repression by the US and its allies


Veterans of mass protests around the world and across the decades will be very familiar with the struggle at the University of California, Los Angeles.  The police suddenly disappear.  They are replaced by masked and armed right wing Zionist vigilantes.  In this case the students are successful in beating back the attack in a battle that lasts many hours. The attackers withdraw under the protection of the police.  The police return. It is they, the state, that aim to dismantle the camp, not the right wing.   (read more)

Incident at International Women's Day 2024 rally in Belfast


We are publishing the text of a letter sent to the organisers of the International Women’s Day rally in Belfast regarding an incident in which stewards confronted a female activist from the Free Assange campaign. This letter was sent as an email message to the account of Reclaim the Agenda but there has been no reply. We are now bringing this to public attention. A reply from Reclaim the Agenda is still welcome as are responses from activists within the broader feminist movement in Belfast. (read more)

Mobilise workers against austerity, racism and war


This year workers are gathering for May Day events in an increasingly hostile environment. On a local, national and international level the lives and livelihoods of working-class people are under threat like never before.  Austerity and racism are the order of the day while the drumbeat for war sounds ever louder.   (read more)


Gender identity ideology

Presentation by Orla Ni Chomhrai on why socialists should oppose a dogma which undermines women's rights, gay rights, free speech, and science.

18 October 2021