Socialist Democracy

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Current Year - 2024 - 20232022 - 202120202019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012

Hands Off Gaza - 15/02/25

Socialist Democracy replies to Rebel Breeze on the tasks of the Palestine solidarity movement
- 10/02/25

Socialist Democracy statement on multipolarity and socialism
- February 2025   

DUP pulls the Stormont Brake – and it fails - 04/02/25

Report on INTO conference on Gaza- 30/01/25 

The new Irish government: Part Three: Searching for the opposition
- 24/01/24

The new Irish government: Part Two: Programme for Government - 24/01/25

The new Irish government: Part one: A right-wing alliance- 24/01/25

After the ceasefire (Weekly Worker) - 23/01/25

Socialist Democracy replies to statement by the Red Network- January 2025

Musk, Starmer and the crisis of British politics
(Counterfire) - 06/01/25 

Trade union solidarity with Gaza
- 06/01/25  

Reformist socialists welcome the new jihadist regime in Syria
- 05/01/25

Israel and the US strike blows in Syria, Lebanon and Palestine - 05/01/25

Israeli embassy closure
- 02/01/25

Winston Irvine conviction exposes peace process pretence
- 16/12/24 

The dream of a left government in Ireland dies in the 2024 general election - 06/12/24

No change in the Irish state following elections, but how long can it last? - 05/12/24

Irish general election result: status quo on shifting sands - 03/12/24  

COP29 declares apocalypse and sets defeat of the working class as a target
- 29/11/24

Book Review: Shooting Crows
he Pensive Quill) - 20/11/24 

A First Minister for All? - 16/11/24

Socialist Democracy statement on the Irish general election
-  November 2024

The British Labour budget - 11/11/24

Labour and the North - 11/11/24

Belfast’s transport hub descends into chaos  - 10/11/24

Full Sanctions Now - 09/11/24

Trump Is Back! What Does This Mean for the Working Class and the Left? (Left Voice) - 08/11/24

Should we support the Ukrainian Left’s route to victory? (Sráid Marx) - 01/11/24

RHI audit report - 24/10/24

Child welfare at centre of political storms
- 24/10/24 

British Labour party: A blinkered vision on the Left- 20/10/24 

Scandal and cover up lead to strategic crisis for Sinn Féin
- 17/10/24

Casement Park debacle  - 14/10/24 

On Adam Hanieh’s Crude Capitalism
 (Monthly Review) - 04/10/24

Labour and the unions - 11/10/24

The Excitement of the Stuff  (London Review of Books) - 10/10/24 

What the Butler didn’t see – book review (Counterfire) - 10/10/24

Report on the most recent national Palestine Solidarity demonstration in Dublin
- 08/10/24

Budget 2025
 - 07/10/24 

The significance of the British Labour conference - 05/10/24

Failing Gaza: Pro-Israel bias uncovered behind the lens of Western media (Aljazeera) - 05/10/24

Palestine Solidarity Bulletin - October 2024

Irish government: rhetoric can’t conceal complicity
Palestine Solidarity Movement :The need for a new strategy 
GazaUkraine,  Taiwan: The drive to global war 

Bourgeois democracy in Ireland in two Acts (2) – Orwellian and Surreal ( Sráid Marx) - 30/09/24

Fredric Jameson’s capitalist horror show (New Statesman) - 28/09/24

Ireland's liberal opposition - 27/09/24

From the mean to the meaningless: the targets of Cancel Culture
Gearóid’s Substack ) - 20/09/24

Winter Fuel Payment Cut
- 19/09/24 

The popular front experiment in France
- 17/09/24

“More waffle”: Stormont’s Programme for Government - 16/09/24

Russian Red Lines (Sráid Marx) - 15/09/24

Enoch Burke: a tale with no end in sight - 08/09/24

What is bourgeois democracy? (Sráid Marx) - 06/09/24

Petro’s Agrarian Policy for the Colombian Countryside: Continuity or rupture? - 06/09/24

Germany: the end of EU hegemony? (The Next Recession) - 01/09/24

Post-mortem of the anti-migrant offensive and the response - 31/08/24

Rise of racism in the Irish state 
Belfast anti-racist demonstrations
Racist violence in England  

Correspondence: PbP disavows Marxism - 27/08/24 

Nell McCafferty: Feminist and Republican
- 26/08/24 

Gaza: The Precedent of Sri Lanka - 26/08/24

A Tale of Three Vessels: Submergibles, Yachts and Migrant Boats - 25/08/24

Sticking it to the Russians (Sráid Marx) - 19/08/24

Statement on the gender critical movement and the far right
(GC Anti Far Right) - 13/08/24

The French Elections and their aftermath - 11/08/24 
Socialist groups and popular front “theory” today
The significance of the French Elections for the European working class
Back to the Popular Front

Mobilise workers to defeat racism  -  09/08/24

Review: The Easter Rising and Irish History - 07/08/24

Racist rampage in Belfast  - 05/08/24 

Sinn Féin’s sudden switcheroo on refugees - -02/08/24

No Arms for Israel, No Irish Collaboration - 20/07/24

An appropriate welcome for him or her (Rebel Breeze) - 19/07/24

Roderic O’Gorman: A Green Leader, Always Leading in the Wrong Direction
- 14/07/24

Lough Neagh Action Plan  - 12/07/24 

Britain’s Securonomics (The Next Recession) - 08/07/24

UK general election result in the north - 08/07/24

UK elections – who needs a majority? (Sráid Marx) - 06/07/24

End enabling the Gaza Genocide via Shannon
(Galway Alliance Against War) - 26/06/24 

Obituary: Allan Armstrong 1949-2024
(Republican Communist Network) – 26/06/24   

Julian Assange: Freedom this time, no thanks to the media
(Declassified UK) - 26/06/24  

Resist the drive to World War Three (Belfast Anti War Group) -  June 2024

Cancel Culture on the Irish Left
- 25/06/24

Why Ilan Pappe's new book on the Israel lobby is a must-read (Middle East Eye) - 24/06/24

Impunity and violence against women in Ireland
- 21/06/24 

Sinn Féin gets a kicking - and its worse than they think!- 20/06/24 

Clare Daly loses her seat in Dublin vote  - 18/06/24 

Arundhati Roy, Freedom of Speech and the Right to Dissent - 18/06/24 

Irish elections: triumph for Irish capitalism, reality check for Sinn Féin
- 17/06/24

European elections: rise of the far right runs alongside the capitalist war drive - 17/06/24

Chiquita, the multinationals and the bloodbath in Colombia - 16/06/24 

Covid-19 Inquiry exposes Stormont (again)
 - 11/06/24 

Correspondence: poverty in the six counties
- 10/06/24

Britain's Brexit election
- 09/06/24

Stormont's Westminster election
- 08/06/24 

South African elections: ANC suffers historic defeat as crisis intensifies (In Defence of Marxism) - 06/06/24

Colombia: The meaning of “Never Again”
- 03/06/24

Ireland edges backwards from the genocide
  - 31/05/24 

European and local elections: Some questions for the candidates
- May 2024

Book review: The Defeat of Ireland’s Civil Rights Movement John McAnulty (2018)
(2018)  - 21/05/24

Belfast IPSC threatens critics of Sinn Fein
 - 20/05/24

Eurovision: An exhibition of Irish Narcissisism and Opportunism - 20/05/24

Dublin and Monaghan Bombings: A Legacy of Lies  - 19/05/24

Students Show The Way! 
- 18/05/24

Student protests upend hegemony on Israel and Palestine forever
(Middle East Eye) - 09/05/24

Council of Europe Report on Prisons, Male and Female Inmates
- 08/05/24

Student revolt exposes the drive to genocide and repression by the US and its allies - 08/05/24

Incident at International Women's Day 2024 rally in Belfast
- 05/05/24

Mobilise workers against austerity, racism and war
- 04/05/24

Stormont Executive publishes draft budget - 03/05/24 

Cass Report - 29/04/24

Colombia: The murder of Narciso Beleño
- 26/04/24 

Statement by Gearóid Ó Loingsigh on his withdrawal from The Countess RDS Gender Critical Conference
- 24/04/24

A New Wave of Censorship and Repression  - 18/04/24 

Two Nations once again? - 18/04/23 

How a cult captured the NHS
(Unherd) -  12/04/24

A new Taoiseach: The Election No One Dare Justify
- 13/04/24

A Partnership pay deal that sacrifices workers
- 09/04/24 

The Phantasmagoric World of Judith Butler (Fairer Disputations) - 05/04/24

Donaldson falls-  08/04/24

Reply to Palestinian Community Statement -  06/04/24

The Subpostmaster’s Scandal – The Questions That the Media Doesn’t Want To Ask (Tony Greenstein) - 05/04/24

Beyoncé, Irish Dancing and the Nonsense of Cultural Appropriation
- 02/04/24

Israel’s Holocaust trauma is a myth
(Electronic Infifada) - 29/03/24

Pro NATO Leo jumps ship
- 26/03/24

Irish leaders tread carefully in the United States
- 24/03/24

Biden’s Blood Fest, Sinn Féin’s Song and Dance
- 23/03/24

Blood-Stained Shamrocks
(BLOSC blog) - 17/03/24

Starmer and Labour - 14/03/24  

Report on Belfast IWD 2024 rally - 13/03/24

Erasing Murals and Erasing Gaza
- 13/03/24 

Constitutional sleight of hand thwarted
- 10/03/24

A united Ireland or subsidising partition?
  - 04/03/24 

Britain presents a bill to the new Stormont
- 01/03/24

Dunnes Stores, South Africa, Gaza: A Tale of Two Boycotts
- 29/02/24

Greenwashing genocide
 = 26/02/24

New York Times report demolishes the narrative of the “unprovoked war” in Ukraine (WSWS) - 26/02/24

The fates of Gaza and Julian Assange are sealed together
(Jonathan Cook) - 23/02/24

Thinking of Sinn Féin, trying not to think of Palestine
- 22/02/24

A new Brexit deal in Ireland
- 17/02/24

No endorsement of Genocide Joe!
- 17/02/24

Russia: five-year jail sentence for Boris Kagarlitsky (In Defence of Marxism) - 14/02/24

Sinn Féin, the IRA and the betrayal of the Palestinians - 09/02/24

China versus the US (The Next Recession) - 26/01/24

ICJ ruling falls flat as Israel, the US, and their allies boldly participate directly in genocide
- 30/01/24

Industrial action continues in the north  - 29/01/24 

Music, Religion and Struggle
- 26/01/24

Palestine, gender ideology and censorship
- 23/01/24 

Calling for a ceasefire is wrong – and for “a permanent ceasefire” is worse
(Rebel Breeze) - 21/01/24

Mary Lou in London offers poison to Palestinians
(Rebel Breeze) - 16/01/24

Gaza Genocide: Silence is Complicity - 13/01/24

The Death of the Greatest Film Journalist that the British Media Rejected - John Pilger 1939-2023 ( azvsas blog)  - 12/01/24

Carve up at Belfast City Council  - 12/01/24

Irish government to scrap “Triple Lock”
 - 08/01/24 

Why "Free, Free Palestine" isn't sufficient
- 06/01/24