Socialist Democracy

Hands Off Gaza


The January ceasefire between HAMAS and the Israeli forces brought a sense of relief.  It appeared that the resilience shown by the people of Gaza over fifteen months had finally exhausted the IDF; that Trump would call for a peace settlement; that the Israelis would accept defeat and that Gaza could be rebuilt.       (read more)

Socialist Democracy replies to Rebel Breeze on the tasks of the Palestine solidarity movement


We have read with interest your article on Palestine solidarity and a previous article criticising the operation of the solidarity movement in Ireland and the absence of a broad enough action against Israel and the US. You also criticise an absence of policy.  We broadly agree with your outline but not with your conclusions.     (read more)

Socialist Democracy statement on multipolarity and socialism

February 2025

The concept of multi-polarity has become the major theme of geopolitics in recent years.  Its basic proposition is that the global political economy is undergoing a fundamental change, moving from unipolarity (domination of the United States) to multipolarity where a number of nations and blocs contend for influence.  The decline of the US and the rise of China is seen as the central dynamic for such a change.  (read more)

DUP pulls the Stormont Brake – and it fails


The Stormont Brake was part of the Windsor Framework which was an agreement between the British government and the EU in February 2023 intended by the Tory government to pacify Unionist resistance to the Northern Ireland Protocol.   This had been part of the Brexit agreement in which the North would remain subject to some European Single Market regulations; a big blow to unionism’s long-term strategy. (read more)

Report on INTO conference on Gaza


The Children of Gaza conference, organised by the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) in Dublin on Saturday 18th January, completed one overwhelming service in allowing the voices of Palestinians, especially the voices of Palestinian children, to be heard.  The tone was set by Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, attending online, who said that childhood had been stolen from the Palestinians.    (read more)

The new Irish government:
Part Three: Searching for the opposition


Taoiseach Micheál Martin has assembled, on a low vote and on the back of a previous unpopular government, one of the most right-wing administrations in modern Irish history. It has promised more of the same – a crisis of housing and public services in fealty to transnational capital. The administration is only assembling and the news has come in that the new Trump agenda may well wreck Ireland’s status as a tax haven.   (read more)

Socialist Democracy statement on neutrality

The headline rush by the Irish government into the ranks of NATO, the clumsy duplicity of the fake consultation process and the evidence of impunity in asking a conservative pro-NATO academic, a Dame of the British Empire, to oversee the process has caused outrage across Ireland.  (read more)  


Gender identity ideology

Presentation by Orla Ni Chomhrai on why socialists should oppose a dogma which undermines women's rights, gay rights, free speech, and science.

18 October 2021